Intro to Safe Ayurvedic Detox and Rejuvenation
Saturday, May 1st, 1-3 pm
w/Lynn Hanger

Ayurveda recognizes spring as the BEST time of year to do a detox/cleanse because your body is already doing an internal “spring cleaning”. No other time of the year can you get the same disease-reducing and health-promoting benefits as you can in the spring season!!
Detox or cleansing can be a highly effective means to feel better and re-set your system, however, not all detox strategies are created equal. Many western detox strategies can be harmful, create a detox crisis, and actually make you worse than before the cleanse/detox.
When you are not fully prepared to detox, not strong enough to detox, or are in a phase of life where it is not safe to detox- rejuvenation therapy to build up your system is recommended instead.
Learn when it is appropriate to detox and when it is more appropriate to do rejuvenation therapies. Stop following fads and buckle down to learn the truth about safe detox. Avoid the common dangerous mistakes people are making all the time!
This workshop is not for you if you want a quick fix in detox. This is for you if you want to learn sustainable lifestyle skills to safely detox daily, weekly, and on a seasonal basis.
Proper detox and rejuvenation is your chance to help your body’s natural process of keeping you healthy. Each spring as the sun heats the environment your body will naturally open up and release the toxins you’ve been storing all winter without any conscious effort.
If you practice specific lifestyle medicine, constitutional and seasonal diet, along with Ayurvedic detox and rejuvenation practices, you can support your physical, mental, and emotional health- naturally, safely, and effectively!
This workshop will include:
*What is Ayurvedic detox and rejuvenation?
*Why is it so important?
*Dangers of doing it wrong
*Types of toxins
Live Stream Workshop w/ access to recording for 1 week following
*What is the appropriate course of action for YOU?